What materials are the Liforme mats made from?Updated 2 years ago
The Liforme Mats are made from our high quality natural rubber base and our specially engineered, proprietary and completely unique eco-polyurethane. Both these materials are fully biodegradable and sustainably produced materials, and we spent over 5 years researching and developing before we launched our first version (and we’ve made a few improvements to our materials in the further 5 years since then)! We’re passionate about working with materials that are eco-friendly and non-toxic, both to humans and our planet.
We commissioned an independent study from a leading polymer expert at Imperial College, London in the UK (a global top 10 university with a world class reputation in science) that concludes that our materials are completely non-toxic and that when disposed of at the end of their useful life-cycle, Liforme mats will break down in landfill conditions with an estimated time to near-complete degradation of 1-5 years!
On top of this, the report also examines the issues around toxicity and biodegradability of PVC mats, which is sadly a common material still used by many other Yoga mat brands.
To learn more about our Liforme materials, and how these compare to PVC mats, click here to read the report mentioned above in full. Know your facts!